bible School First Name * Surname * Email * Phone * Date Of Birth * Address * Current Address please add country Place of birth Gender * Male Female Marital Status * Single Engaged Married Separated Divorced Widow/Widower If engaged? What are your plans for Marriage * If Married, name of Spouse * Will your spouse accompany you to school * Yes No Name Of Children and Age Do you have any dependants * Yes No If yes, list name(s) and age(s) Father’s Name Fathers Occupation Mother’s Name Mother’s Occupation Parent’s Address Parent’s Phone Do you have any physical impairments or conditions of ill health? * Yes No If Yes, give details Do you have a police record? * Yes No If Yes, give full details. How do you intend to support yourself during your stay in MTC? * List your last two most recent place of employments: * Have you been baptized? * Sprinkled Immersion Name of Father, Son and HolyGhost In the name of Jesus Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues Yes No Date of receiving the Holy Spirit What church do you presently attend? * Pastor’s Name * Pastor’s phone Number * Have you discussed attending bible school with your pastor * Yes No Why do you want to attend Bible School * Why have you choosing Ministerial Training Centre Lagos * What specific ministry? * Highest level of Education * Primary Secondary Higher Institution Do you read and write fluently in the English Language? * Yes No Are you requesting boarding? * Yes No What program are you interested in? * 7 weeks (Certificate Level Only) 1 Year (Diploma) 2 Years (Associate) Online – Certificate Online – Diploma Online – Associate Pastor’s Reference (Full Name) * Name of Church and Address * Phone * Personal Reference (Full Name) * Address * Phone * Emergency Contact * Phone * Choose Campus * Lagos Enugu Online Submit Δ